I will totally get more in depth at a later date but wanted to make a quick post about our little girl's birth to share. So here goes!
Marian (pr. mah-dee-on) Rosemarie was born today at 2:01 pm weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz.!
I had bloody show and some crampy contractions yesterday. I thought maybe that would be the day but nothing ever came together and spaced out well. I did end up coming to the L&D but more b/c the baby wasn't moving as much as I would have liked and it was making me nervous. They monitered me for a few hours and gave me an Ambian to help me to sleep.
This morning I woke up to a contraction and called my mw. My BP has been looking pretty bad lately and because of that, having a birth at the Farm wasn't looking good. We decided that that coupled with a few other things meant that I should come to the hospital when the time came. I was bummed but understood. So, I got up and got the fam ready for Ian's eye appointement. Contractions were coming every 10-12 minutes so I knew I was fine. We went and I had them the whole time, when we left the office they were about 7 minutes apart. In the car on the way home they got a LOT stronger. I still figured I had a few hours to labor at home so we all went in the house and I figured I would hang out watch a little tv to take my mind off the pain. That didn't work so I did some Hynobabies. After about 20 minutes, I knew I needed to get my butt to the hossie. The contractions were so close together I couldn't tell one from the other! I told John to get the kids in the truck and we were off.
The ride over was AWFUL but mangable. I got up to L&D and was 5-6 cm. and having virtually no break between contractions. They had enough time to check my records for GBS and do a quick blood draw. All of a sudden felt super "pushy". They broke down the bed and my OB came in and did a quick check. He told to me push when I wanted and WOW did I! Marian came out in three pushes and I had been in my room less than 20 minutes at that point!
A little later the nurse came in and told me they were moving me to my pp room and asked if I wanted a wheelchair and I didn't. I just threw on my sweater and grabbed my bag and walked over. It was too funny because as we coming down the hall several other nurses were at the desk and one said "Wow! We heard about what happened and here you are walking to your room like nothing happened! You deserve a round of applause!" LOL
It was all super fast when it started and I have no tears and no stitches! My girl nurses like an old pro and has eaten twice today already.
I feel extremely blessed to have had the birth I wanted. I was sad about the Farm but still feel like I won the lottery. :) I had a whirlwind birth experience and wouldn't trade it for anything!
(I just had to post the gorgeous siggy Elena on Ivillage made for me! Thank you so much Miss Elena. Lovely work!)