Is it so crazy to love the one you see each and every day? I see so much about losing that certain something for your significant other. The spark is gone, the love is lost, the kids are small...Oh mamas and daddies, we've all been there. I've been there, I imagine my John has been there. Can I just say that with some work it does get better? So so much better.
We recently celebrated ten years together and even through the lumps and bumps and yes, even a separation, I can honestly say; I love my man. I love him like no other. Lets celebrate our partners today. Lets remember why we love them and wanted to get in their pants in the first place. How about a short letter to your Hunny Bunny to say "I lurv you".
Here's mine:
Dear John,
You are my everything. I love your dark eyes and endless eyelashes. I love that scar on your arm and reaching out to feel it under my fingertips in the dead of the night makes me feel content and safe. The way you smell is home and without it, I would feel lost in a world I didn't know.
Thank you for our years together and all the sacrifices you've made to make our family more happy and secure. Thank you for our beautiful children and for loving all of my children as if they were your own. Thank you for this swelling belly stirring with life, one last time. Thank you for making me feel beautiful even when I'm waddling hot air balloon of a woman.
The thing that makes me happiest in life is knowing that one day, when the kids are all grown and the wrinkles have set in and the years have breezed by, I'll know that I loved you and that you loved me. That we were great together.
I love you.
Lets all take a day to love our lovers. Don't they deserve it?